Friday 24 April 2009

Marina post

Hello, my name is Marina and I'm 12 years old. I live with my father that is called Luis, whit my mother that is called Mercè. Also I live also with my pets:xena that its a dog and mixina that is a cat. I have a big brother(28 years old) but don't klive whit ours.I live in Vila Olimpica, Plaça Tirant lo Blanc, near the beach.
I go to ies icaria school.

marina's avatar

Get a Voki now!

the 3rd ost of the three girls

We are the creaters of this blog, but the best is that we are FRIENDS:)

This boy - James Morrison (Violeta's 2nd POST)

This boy-James Morrison:
This is my favourite song, the lyrics are beautiful: I love it!



My name is Joana Marturià Navarro, and I am 13 years old. I have a hamster called Fermin, my little brother have 11 years old, is no so little... My father is called Xavier, and my mother is Lourdes. I live in C/Estocolm 1 Baixos 2ª, in Vila Olimpica.
I like to cook and to practise esports, and my favourite food is cake of ....My best friends are Marina, Violeta, Maria, Laura,Aida, Jana, Roger, David, Oriol, Aaron and a lot of people more. In televition I like to see Drake and Josh, Zona Zaping, Casal Rock, Oikmntens?,...

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Joana's avatar

Friday 3 April 2009

Violeta's avatar